Surgeon’s response after he performs nerve-racking vasectomy on himself as a ‘gift to his wife’

Surgeon's response after he performs nerve-racking vasectomy on himself as a 'gift to his wife'

A plastic surgeon in Taiwan posted footage to Instagram where he gave himself a vasectomy.

Yes, you read that correctly, this man cut into his own dangling delicates and was conscious of the procedure in what must surely be a great advert for the wonders of local anaesthetic.

Explaining why he did it, Dr Chen Wei-Nong said that he and his wife already had three children and didn’t want any more, so he was going to give her the gift of his own vasectomy so an unplanned fourth child wouldn’t be an issue.

In the video which he posted to social media, he told people before the procedure that he was ‘quite nervous’, which considering what he was about to do is quite understandable.

He also urged viewers not to try this for themselves at home (or anywhere else, I hope) as it was ‘too dangerous’ and writing this I really hope nobody has been inspired by the surgeon’s example.

I suppose you'd trust his skills as a surgeon if he's able to do this (Instagram/@docchen3)

I suppose you’d trust his skills as a surgeon if he’s able to do this (Instagram/@docchen3)

The surgeon laid out his 11-step plan for performing a vasectomy on himself and got to work, accompanied by a team of trained professionals to supervise the process.

While he was prepared to apply the knife to his own balls he thankfully was happy for others to make sure he was doing it correctly.

The whole procedure took him an hour to perform on himself, and of course, local anaesthetic was being used so that the surgeon’s steady hand wasn’t distracted by the catastrophic pain of cutting his plums off from his sausage.

At one point he described the vasectomy as ‘a really weird feeling’, which feels like a significant understatement considering what he was doing.

Once his work was complete and he was stitching himself up he said it ‘really feels weird’, and while he felt uncomfortable the night after finishing the procedure he said he felt much better the following day.

I suppose if he’s happy with the results then it might be alright, provided people do as he says and see a qualified specialist instead of doing as he did when he decided to go for a DIY-vasectomy.

You definitely don’t want a vasectomy to go wrong, like the poor bloke who was in the middle of getting one when an earthquake hit and he could feel the entire room shaking.

Fortunately in that case the surgeon decided to wait a while.

Then there’s the doctor who had the vasectomy he was doing interrupted by a power cut, so hooked up his car battery and got back to work.

Of course, the worst situation is getting one by accident, as one man discovered when he went in for gallbladder surgery and confused doctors accidentally gave him the wrong procedure.