While they might have a well-earned reputation as man’s best friend, some dogs are big mean b*****ds or yappy little s**ts that a person would not want to encounter.
Sometimes you’re in the unfortunate position of coming face to face with a dog that is getting aggressive with you, and it could help if you know what to do.
Even dog owners who insist that their not-so-little darling wouldn’t hurt a fly could do with knowing this, as there are many cases of owners being attacked by their own dogs.

“My precious Fleshripper wouldn’t harm a hair on your head. He did maul that child last year but that was two years ago. He’s changed” (Getty Stock Photo)
Why do dogs attack?
According to the RSPCA, if a dog attacks you it’s normally because it considers you to be a threat in some way.
You being the nice person that you are, the animal has clearly made some mistake, but since it can’t understand you fully, it’s going to be difficult to communicate that.
Never move towards an aggressive dog
First and foremost, if you’ve encountered an aggressive dog you should not move towards it, as according to the experts you’ve likely entered what the dog considers to be its territory so getting closer will only provoke it further.
If the dog runs towards you but isn’t barking or growling, it might just be trying to get a sniff to figure out what you are, and in this case you should stay where you are and let the dog sniff you.

Don’t smile, don’t make eye contact, don’t turn your back, and do your best to stay on your feet (Getty Stock Photo)
Don’t make any sudden movements
By not making sudden movements, the dog should eventually lose interest in you and move on, but if it is barking or growling, it’s a major sign of aggression and the dog is unlikely to lose interest in you.
Avoid the instinct to run
The next thing to do is stay calm and avoid trying to run, showing your back to the dog is a bad idea and trying to run is likely to make it chase you which is a race you are probably not going to win.
Keep your body relaxed and on the back foot, speaking in reassuring tones to the dog and finding something to get between you and the dog such as something you’re holding, your coat or a solid object if you’re indoors.
Do not smile at the dog as baring your teeth can be seen as an aggressive move, while looking at the dog right in the eyes will be seem as a challenge.

As hard as it is, it’s important to stay as calm as possible when encountering an aggressive dog (Getty Stock Image)
Try your best to walk away
Walk away if you can do so, circling around the dog so you’re showing your side and not your back to it, and do not shout at the dog but instead try to call out to other people in the area for help.
If the dog goes for a bite then fend it off rather than trying to fight back as that will just make it worse, do your best to stay on your feet and with an avenue of escape instead of being cornered.
If you end up on the ground, curl into the foetal position, covering your head and neck with your arms while keeping your fingers curled into a fist so there’s nothing protruding for the dog to bite.