Horrific moment dolphin ‘jumps to its death’ in front of audience during show at notorious resort

Horrific moment dolphin 'jumps to its death' in front of audience during show at notorious resort

The scary moment that a dolphin jumped out of the water onto concrete has been captured on video.

Filmed by a tourist at a hotel in Mexico, a crowd had gathered to watch a performance carried out by three dolphins, as they could be seen jumping out of the water in sync.

Sadly, one of the sea creatures leaps out and lands on a bit of concrete that sits between another pool, and the video has caused outrage.

The dolphin lay there as a trainer rushed over to the helpless mammal.

According to an Instagram post from non-profit Urgent Seas: “We cannot confirm, we are told that the dolphin has died following this SHOCKING and UNNECESSARY injury.”

The dolphin performed the jump as part of a performance (NewsFlash)

The dolphin performed the jump as part of a performance (NewsFlash)

Marine mammal activist Phil Demers spoke out about the footage to Yahoo News, commenting: “This particular incident is one of the worst. It really, truly is. Even if it survived, its health is going to be severely compromised.

“It’s completely inexcusable, it’s something that never would happen in the wild. It just eliminates any rationale they should exist in these concrete tanks.”

The Barcelo Riviera Maya hotel in Mexico is known for keeping sea animals captive, even featuring one of the smallest dolphinariums in the country.

A number of animal rights organisations have come together to release a joint statement two dolphins that have been reported dead under the hotel’s watch.

“For a year now, the organisations Animal Heroes, Dolphin Freedom, Marea, and Oceanos De Vida Libre have maintained a permanent campaign demanding the closure of this dolphinarium, which is one of the smallest in Mexico,” they began.

The statement continued: “We have delivered letters to both Barcelo in Playa del Carmen and in Mexico City, as well as letters from schoolchildren in Baja California pleading for an end to the exploitation of dolphins, yet they have never been willing to receive us.”

They added: “In addition, we have exposed other tragedies, such as the deaths of the dolphins Alex and Plata in just one year, which were never properly investigated.

“We have shown that the dolphin pool is smaller than those for humans, despite the fact that in the wild they swim vast distances and depths, that they have no shelter from the sun, and so on.”

It is unclear if the dolphin in the video is one of the deceased.

The dolphin could be seen laying lifeless after landing on the concrete (NewsFlash)

The dolphin could be seen laying lifeless after landing on the concrete (NewsFlash)

The Federal Attorney for Environmental Protection (Profepa) has opened an investigation into the death of two tourist entertainment dolphins while in the hands of a Rivera Maya hotel.

Profepa stated in a press release: “On January 24, Profepa requested the submission of the documentation with which the Dolphinaris Barceló dolphinarium, located at the Barceló Hotel, notified the Directorate General of Wildlife (DGVS) about the death of the dolphin named Plata.”

Asking for documentation, they added that they also requested ‘the authorisation letter’ for the transfer of a dolphin named Alex, adding: “[And] if applicable, the notification to the same authority about his death. The deadline for submitting this information ended on January 31, 2025.”

They are currently looking into the inventory of animals housed at the hotel from 2018 to 2024, including the additions and removals of specimens.

The organisation aim to verify ‘that there is legal appropriation of the specimens that it currently has’, seeking any violations.

Riviera Maya is a popular holiday destination in Mexico (Getty Stock Photo)

Riviera Maya is a popular holiday destination in Mexico (Getty Stock Photo)

Following the request, Playa del Carmen Mayor Estefanía Mercado also commented on the situation, speaking about the recent death of a dolphin on the premises.

She said: “In light of the events surrounding the death of a dolphin at the Barceló Riviera Maya Hotel, we inform you that our Ministry of the Environment is in communication with state and federal authorities, who have taken over the investigation.

“From the Government of Solidaridad, we reaffirm our commitment to animal protection and will work on proposals to strengthen regulations that guarantee their well-being because the right to human enjoyment should never cost the life of a living being.”