Bibi is sad because he can’t see his dad beard!

Bibi loved everything about his dad—his warm hugs, his funny jokes, and most of all, his fluffy beard. Every day, Bibi would play with it, tugging gently and calling it “Dad’s magic fluff.”

But one morning, Bibi woke up and noticed something strange. Dad looked… different. His face was smooth and shiny, with no beard in sight!

“Dad!” Bibi exclaimed, his eyes wide. “What happened to your beard?”

Dad chuckled. “I shaved it off, Bibi. I wanted a fresh look.”

Bibi’s little face crumpled, and tears started to form in his eyes. “But… I liked your beard! It made you look like my superhero!”

Dad knelt down and hugged Bibi. “I’m still your dad, beard or no beard. I’m the same person inside.”

Bibi sniffled and touched Dad’s smooth chin. “It’s so different. I miss the fluffiness.”

Seeing how sad Bibi was, Dad came up with an idea. “How about this? We can draw a beard on my face with your crayons!”

Bibi’s face lit up. “Really?”

“Of course!” Dad said, grabbing a set of washable crayons. He sat down on the floor, and Bibi got to work.

With careful strokes, Bibi drew a big, colorful beard on Dad’s face. When he was done, Dad looked in the mirror and laughed. “What do you think, Bibi?”

Bibi giggled. “It’s even better than your old beard! Now you look like a rainbow superhero!”

From that day on, Bibi learned to love Dad’s smooth face. And whenever he missed the beard, they’d draw a new one together, turning it into a fun and creative game.